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Free Visitation Class Action press conference 自由面会交流訴訟の記者会見

"Free Visitation Class Action" Press Conference - August 31st, 2023

Good afternoon. My name is Catherine Henderson and I am from Australia. My two children were abducted by their Japanese father here in Tokyo over 4 years ago. Just yesterday I was crying in my psychiatrist's office. The reason is that I was thinking about the pain and suffering they must be experiencing being cut off from me and their family in Australia.


Last month, I went to the capital city of Australia, Canberra. I went to Parliament House with Ms Mizuho Umemura, a member of the House of Councilors. We met with several politicians. One of them was Penny Wong, Australia's foreign minister. Penny Wong said that she understood that the pain we parents were suffering was indescribable and offered words of comfort to me.


This week, Australia made their submission to the Public Comment stage of the Japanese Family law review public. I have copies of the submission with me in Japanese and English.


Also, this week, the Japanese government's law review committee released a draft of the new legislation giving parents the choice of joint parental responsibility. But the issue has never been about sole or joint parental responsibility. What is important is parents spending time with their children and being a part of their lives when the relationship between the parents breaks down. 今週も、日本政府の法律見直し委員会が、親に共同親権の選択肢を提供する新しい法案の草案を公表しました。しかし、問題は常に親権の単独か共同かということではありません。重要なのは、親が子供と一緒に過ごし、親の関係が崩れたときに子供たちの一部として存在することです。

And this is what our class action has been about. We, the plaintiffs, the parents, grandparents and children who have sued the Japanese government for failing to ensure there is an adequate system for children, their parents and their extended families to spend time together.


Japan's 'visitation system' is not fit for purpose. The laws and processes are out of date and not based on current research in the fields of child development and parental divorce. The current system makes no significant effort to ensure the equality of parents going through the processes to obtain visitation, and this lack of equality is a serious infringement on their human rights.


Even the fact that it is called visitation reflects a basic inequality between the two parents. What is called visitation in Japan, Australia calls parenting time, in order to reflect that both parents are seen equally in the eyes of the court. This is a major difference between the two systems and between Japan and other developed nations.

さらに、日本の制度名である「面会」は、両親の間に基本的な不平等を反映しています。日本では「面会」と呼ばれるものは、オーストラリアでは「Parenting Time」/「子育ての時間」と呼ばれ、法廷の目からは両親が平等に見られるようになっています。これは両国間や日本と他の先進国との間の主な違いです。

I argue that it is the Japanese government's responsibility to step in when parents are unable to act in the best interests of children during a separation or a divorce. However, the Japanese government is currently failing to ensure that children can meet both parents, and this has led to immense pain and suffering.


The Japanese government must ensure that both parents are treated equally at all stages of the court processes and procedures and this is just not happening. In the case of parental child abductions Japan allows the parent who takes the children to have a legal advantage over the other parent. They have 100% access to the children and full control. Abducting parents are usually awarded parental responsibility, therefore full custody, even though they took the children without the permission of the other parent. This action is seen as a crime in most developed nations.


The government must abide by the Japanese constitution as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, states that children have the right to have contact with both of their parents.


In 2020, almost five percent of all divorces in Japan were between a Japanese national and a non-Japanese spouse. This is almost 9,000 couples a year. With both the number of divorces and the number of international divorces per year increasing, it is imperative that Japan keeps up with world wide standards and abides by treaties it has ratified.


Parenting time is understood in family law in Australia as independent of the relationship of the parents. It doesn't matter if parents are married, divorced, separated or even have never been a couple. Special attention is paid to important days such as graduation, birthdays and Christmas for both the children and their parents, as these milestones in a child's life are highly valued. School holidays are also split between parents.

オーストラリアの家族法における「Parenting Time」/「子育ての時間」は、親の関係とは独立して理解されます。親が結婚しているか、離婚しているか、別れているか、さらにはカップルでないかどうかは関係ありません。卒業、誕生日、クリスマスなどの大切な日は、子供とその親の両方にとって高く評価される子供の人生の節目であり、それに特別な注意が払われます。学校の休暇も両親の間で分けられます。

What we call parenting time in Australia, or 'visitation' is at a pathetically low level in Japan. It in no way allows for the kind of co-parenting that is the ideal and practice in many countries.

オーストラリアでは「Parenting Time」/「子育ての時間」と呼ぶもの、または「面会」と呼ばれるものは、日本では非常に低い水準です。これは、多くの国で理想と実践されている共同親子関係を全く許容していない状態です。

Whilst in Australia, it is unusual for divorced parents to have no contact with their children, only 9% of fathers and 1% of mothers, in Japan the majority of children do not see their other parent post divorce or separation. Even when parents manage to go through the lengthy mediation process, visitation, which is not enforceable, is on average only 2-4 hours per month.


I have heard that the Japanese government, in defending this system, points out that there are no laws preventing access and visitation after divorce. However, in my experience, there are no laws, systems or processes supporting and encouraging “access” between children and their other parent.


In Australia it is seen as both parents' responsibility to encourage and support the children's relationship with the other parent. Parents who do not do so are seen in a bad light by the court. When listening to any wishes expressed by children, the court must give weight to any factors that could be relevant to the child’s ability to understand their situation such as their age and level of maturity.


There is no safe way for children going through their parents' divorce in Japan to express their true opinions. My own children were interviewed by child investigating officers twice, but they were taken to the court by their father, and he was waiting to take them home at the end. In addition, the court investigating officers told them that everything that they said would be recorded and a copy given to both parents. This is not what should be happening. In other countries-the opinions of the children are confidential, and the children are reassured of this by court officials. Both parents are given the opportunity to take the children to the court.


An understanding of the impact of alienating behaviours on children is not demonstrated by the court investigating officers in Japan. These are when one parent, or another family member, engages in certain behaviours that impact the relationship of the targeted parent with the child. Children who are subjected to these kinds of behaviours can be identified and this should be taken into account when they express their opinions.


In my experience and that of others I have spoken to, mediation in Japan isn't effective. Mediators don't have sufficient training to deal with high conflict cases- the requirement in Australia for becoming a family court mediator is a university degree in a relevant field such as Family Law Mediation, Conflict Management, Dispute Resolution, as well as relevant experience in the field.


In addition, parents can't meet their children whilst the long drawn out mediation process takes place, which gives the other parent an advantage and the opportunity to engage in alienating behaviours.


Many parents are subjected to supervised visitation using a third party, which costs money, despite there being no valid reason for the supervision. This kind of visitation system further highlights the inequality of the parents post divorce in Japan. 多くの親が、監督付きの面会を第三者を介して行わなければならず、そのために費用がかかります。しかし、その監督が必要な理由が存在しないにもかかわらずです。このような面会制度は、日本における離婚後の両親の不平等さをさらに浮き彫りにしています。

In my own case I have been given no opportunity to meet my children. I still haven't spent time with them since they were abducted 4 years and 4 months ago.


In conclusion, the Japanese government has failed to implement an appropriate and fair system for visitation, parenting time, and we the plaintiffs, fathers, mothers, grandparents and children, have suffered.


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